Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[OOC] Dofrey Asylum

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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Dofrey Asylum"

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La Dispute
It must be true what people say,
that only time can heal the pain.
And every day I feel it fade away, but-

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Member for 1 years

May I join?
Probably as some crazy dude, maybe a Pyromaniac. xD Is that alright?
Oh, sadistic too. Nom nom.

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May I please make a Masochistic vampire? Does the age matter?

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I can't find a cat hybrid picture that's real! What can I do? DX

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Kelsii. :D

I'd love to join up as Vampires and Werewolves was so much fun.

Would need to work out what characters I could make use of though.

Caddie would certainly fit in, though I've got a few others who might who're a bit more out there species-wise. I'll give it some thought when it's not nearly 3am in my timezone.

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May I have two characters? :D

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